Cooling off

Aahhh… all is well in the land of Mantis! The engine cooling fan over the radiator has been rewired back to work off engine temperature rather than a manual switch (which, lets face it, I either forgot to turn on, or forgot to turn off). My temp gauge also reads about twenty degrees lower than it ever has, once the mighty Marcos Oracle Mr Chivers spotted that the voltage regulator wasn’t earthed & corrected it. Dave also drove the car for a bit & told me it felt OK, which is a real relief because I was getting a tiny bit paranoid about… everything(!), but of course had nothing to compare it to. (Rumour has it Dave has driven a few Mantis’s before!). Mind you, any chap who has had his skirtingbaord & windowframe colour coded to his Mantis gets my vote!

Plus I am now sporting some nice new aluminium radiator grill bars from MH (£ouch£) to replace my increasingly scruffy rusty steel one. Groovy! I kept the old one in case I can get them shotblasted & powdercoated black, but that can wait (’til my next lottery win. I’ll add it to the list!)

Next thing is the Tatton Show on the 18th which should see eight cars together, then the Callender run with Scottish section August Bank Holiday. Bring on the midges!!!

LM bore already

People are avoiding me at work. News has spread of my evangelical rantings about Le Man. (Must also stop inviting everybody for next year, as I only have one spare seat. Duh!) Having remembered to drive on the correct side of the road, I have been brought back down to earth with a bump by the UK road surfaces, traffic volumes & fuel prices. Sigh.

… Now a couple of people who read this have said that stuff always seems to be going wrong with my car. Fair comment! Thought I’d point out that (a) I’ve done 16K miles in 18 months (not bad for a second car, eh?) in the Mantis – all weathers, and (b) er… I’ve still got it! I freely admit that I motor with my heart not my head, but… well… it’s a great car!

Marcos @ Le Mans 24 Hour 2002


Le Mans. Finally I was going to Le Mans. Not finally ‘cos I’d always wanted to go, just finally because the last few weeks seem to have dragged by & I’ve been quite excited! Five years ago, well, maybe even three, I would have guessed at Le Mans being some dodgy French coastal resort, but now I am a bit better educated! Having put off actually going to the race for the last couple of years with sensible-sounding excuses like “I don’t know where to stay”, “I don’t know where it is” and “I don’t really know anything about it at all” a couple of chums of mine who are in TIPEC announced that they were going, would I like to come along, and all I had to do was write a cheque! This was my kind of event (someone else had done all the hard work – I just had to turn up!) persuaded me to come along.

The idea was to travel down to Folkestone on the Thursday to go over on Eurotunnel. I went down to stay with one of the chaps in telford on the Wednesday night, and we set off reasonably early, picking people up at various pre-arranged service-station stops on the way. Being an ignorant bugger on the car front, I cannot tell you what tasty machinery I was in the presence of, only that there were ten Porsches, and one ‘lil Marcos. We reached Folkestone without any serious mishap, and crossed in only half an hour, which amazes me still! In France I panicked and rushed around the first petrol styation supermarket frantically buying warning triangles & first aid kits, convinced that the Gendarmes had put out a special APB on my car. Well, they weren’t going to do any full body searches on me, just ‘cos I had not got a spare bulb set with me, I can tell you! In hindsight I wonder if my ‘friends’ had wound me up a tad about the perils of motoring in France, something I would never lower myself to doing, had I been in their position. Oh no!

We travelled down to Le Mans in convoy, with the cars changing position as and when the driver saw fit. This was a very relaxing way to travel, and the walkie-talkies we had been advised to bring along proved invaluable. I had half expected to be asked to stay at the back, in order not to break up the cavalcade of Teutonic maester-pieces, but everyone was very civilised about it, and I had the odd blast up and down the convoy. At one point I got a little carried away and found myself leading, a pleasurable experience until my passenger wisely pointed out that we had no map with us, and besides, we didn’t know where we were going anyway. Hum. We waved a couple of cars past us quite quickly after that!

Apart from the occassional petrol stop, we took a leisurely three quarters of an hour break at a truck stop about fifty miles north of Le Mans, where we could get a great view of the stream of passing machinery. As usual most of the more exotic machinery passed me by unoticed, much to the disgust of my fellow travellers. Despite gain attempts on my part to join in the clucking with suitably low risk comments like “Gosh, that’s a jolly nice colour!” and “He was tanking it a bit, eh?” I think we all knew where we stood on the auto know-how ladder by the end of the day! Never mind!

We pulled in to Camping Bleu without mishap early Thursday evening, and split into three groups as the campsite was beginning to get a tad on the full side. It was quite pleasant, with grass pitches and the odd tree, and some (subsequently) very useful bushes indeed dotted about the place. Tents went up and we all trotted off to catch the last of the evening qualifying. My previous experience of auto sport had been limited to watching a few laps of the GTs in the UK while attending various Marcos rallies, so almost everything I looked at was new or unknown. Fortunately my passenger Simon was an old Le Mans lag (compared to me!) and patiently answered the stream of questions coming from me. Initial curiosity satiated, we headed back out of the circuit towards the campsite, bumping into a bar on the way. It was very nice.

Friday was spent wandering around the place – me asking more questions, the others taking it in turns to answer (spreading the load!). There was a real buzz about the whole place, and our neighbours in the campsite were a nice mixture of a family man (with BIG caravan, and all mod-cons. “Been coming for the last seventeen years.”!) and some lads in another Porker and a TVR. We sauntered round the grandstands, wandered along the pits and made our way through the fairground, so by Friday evening I was beginning to get an idea of the general layout of things. Some more beers on the Saturday night at the bar, then at the tent. I was in good company and loving every minute of it.

Saturday necessitated a little trip to the local supermarket, so we took both the Mantis and the Porsche out. Lots of attention for the Marcos, which was nice. By now I was hoping to spot another one, but there were quite a few cars about, so…! Having acquired some more beer and a couple of pieces of cheese we returned to the tent, loaded up and set off for our grandstand seats for the start of the race. We got there a couple of hours early, and I watched in amazement as the hordes of scantily clad ladies wandered about the track, whilst mechanics gave the cars a final prod, and drivers strutted about the place. Having naievely assumed that the start would be something along the lines of “OK, line up. 3-2-1 GO!” I was thinking the whole thing most splendid. It just added to my convinction that Le Mans is not just for petrolheads, the whole thing has so many different facets to it that even an ignorant bugger like me can sit there, lapping it all up!

The race started, and it sunk in that in a race that’s twenty four hours long, there is not going to be much exciting overtaking type stuff. We watched for an hour or so, then went for a wander. I was not drinking as it had been agreed that we would drive down to Arnarge Corner that night, so I just tagged along; asking questions, just in case anyone had forgotton I was there.

Arnarge corner was pretty impressive, if you, like me, find the sight of brakediscs glowing white hot unusual. It was a barmy night and, in keeping with the trip so far, the group just sauntered up and down the path on top of the embankment, commenting on the race and treading on people in camoflauge sleeping bags. After a couple of hours we set off to drive round the rest of the circuit, got horribly lost in what I now understand to be a legendary one-way traffic system the local gendarms vary every year, and eventually got back to the campsite. I was faded after a couple of beers and left the other guys to it.

Sunday morning and I woke up to the sound of the cars screaming their way round the track. There seemed little inclination on the part of the others to rush to the trackside, from which I concluded that, with several hours still to go, it didn’t really matter all that much who was where. Whatever will be will be, you know? Etc, etc. More pleasant campside chat then we bimbled off to our seats for the last hour of the race. I was slightly taken aback to realise that the cars were forming up into teams for the finish, but with over twenty three hours of racing behind them it seemed that the final places had pretty much been decided, and it looked good, so who cared!

The end of the race may have been a bit of an anti-climax to some, but I wasn’t really there for the race and the whole Le Mans experience just carried on streaming past me. This was fun! We made our way back along the now familiar route to our tents, only to discover an impressive looking hole in the sidewall of my passenger’s abode! Our initial reaction was that some thieving pikies had been in there, but nothing was missing so we eventually concluded it was a firework. While Simon patched the hole up with Duct tape, we considered how fortunate he had been not to have been in the tent when it happened. Erk!

As if to remind us of the perils of fireworks, the chaps nextdoor decided that the Brie they had acquired several days prior had finally had too much sun, and needed disposing of in a suitably spectacular fashion. To this end they placed the (quite large!) Brie in an open area of the campsite about forty feet from our pitch, and placed a (also quite large!) rocket face down in the cheese. To much giggling the taper was lit and the perpetrators scurried off to admire the results of their concoction from a safe distance ie their cars. The subsequent explosion had the desired effect of removing the Brie from God’s earth and providing entertainment for the masses. One unconsidered side-effect had been to spatter our tents with the now ex-cheese (which has made me feel hungry every time I’ve slept in it since!). Alas, the splatter zone also included my car, and some public displeasure was displayed in a light-hearted way by my good self. At this point the still-giggling instigators of Cheese-Fawkes kindly offered to clean the offending material off my car, and I kindly accepted. And so it was that a half hour later, and after four days of looking travel-weary and dust covered, my Mantis miraculously became the shiniest car in Camping Bleu! Result! I wonder if this ruse will work every year? The old exploding cheese trick eh? Pah! All the others probably already know it!…

As we were setting off about sevenish the following morning, and I knew I had to drive back to the north of England the same day, I hit the hay and let the passengers (and some of the hardier drivers!) carry on getting stuck into the booze. Unfortunately for me there was a steady stream of fireworks until something or other in the morning – unfortunate ‘cos I love fireworks, and kept sticking my head out of the tent to see what they looked like. Some pretty cools ones too…

Monday morning arrived all too soon and we set off north. The weather remained good and the journey was straightforward. I was introduced to the delights of a Flunch meal (recommended!), then it was on to Le Shuttle and back to Blightey. A quick stop at Telford to drop my passenger off revealed quite how dodgy the quiff had got (think ‘dead ferret’!), but I soldiered on and reached home mid evening. No brass band. No flowers. No welcome home. No nothing except me, staggering into the house trying to carry everying from the car in one go, grinning from ear to ear in the knowledge that I had finally ‘done’ the Le Mans 24 hour race. I made a mental note to mention it to anyone who asked me where I had been to get such a good tan.

Over the next few days I bored anyone and everyone to death about how great it had all been. Seemingly innocent questions like “Would you like a brew?” or “What time do you make it?” were answered by “Er, whatever. Hey guess where I’ve been? Have you ever heard of the race at Le …”. Well, you get the picture. And they did too, whether they wanted to or not.

So my first ever trip to Le Mans proved to be a resounding success. I think it’s pretty easy to work out why. Great company (thanks to Simon, Andy & Fritz), great organisation (thanks to TIPEC, and especially Dave) and great weather (thanks… er… God). How this success be repeated? I hope so, we’ll see if I can make it two in a row next year. Can it get any better? It was nice being a convoy of Porsches, now if I could get a convoy of Marcos, well then

First Le Mans 24 hour

My first Le Mans. Wow! Just how cool is that event? (it seems unfair to just call it a race!). Much too much to put in this diary, so if you want to read/see just how fab it was, go here! Special thanks to the TIPEC boys for having me along though.

Now, are you waiting again for me to say something went wrong on the car? Hmm? Admit it! There was a lot of driving, right? (1200+ miles) Well… it did! Yaaaaay! The engine was mega-sweet the whole trip, & the manual cooling fan worked beautifully, but the nearside windscreen trim started to peel away on the way back. Some swift work with some duck tape by my passenger Si sorted this out (Si has a court order banning him from ever keeping Hamsters as pets, but he carries the Duck tape for old times sake… Heh! Heh!) OK, I’m so vain we then covered the Duck tape with black insulating tape to make it look better! What can I say? Anyway, this got me back from France fine. Subsequent investigation revealed that the screen had been put in using silicon filler, which had reacted with the bonding material & caused it to fail, so the windscreen is no longer sitting properly in the car. Marcos Heritage only fitted the screen last Autumn, so we will see whats what – suffice to say I am getting a little jacked off in that particular area.

Hot under the collar

Garage can’t find problem with cooling fan. I travel to Le Mans in two days so instruct them to hardwire a switch so I can turn it on manually. Right now I just don’t care, so long as I get to LM and back. At least the fan is wired in to the unused rear-windscreen demister switch, which looks neat (this is really trying to look on the bright side, isn’t it?).

Kitted out

Stoneleigh was great, apart from the bit on Monday, and I knew this was going to happen, when a bloke asked me ‘So, these are kit cars then?’. ‘Er… no, they’re all factory built.’ Then the awkward pause while he looked at me & I looked at him, with the unspoken words hanging between us; ‘Well, why are you at the National Kit Car Show then?’. Now, if he’d have come along on the Sunday, there were about 15 Marcii, and many beautiful kits amongst them. Alas, on the Monday there was just 3 Mantis & a Mantara, until a nice blue Mantula turned up towards lunchtime. I didn’t bother explaining…

So, a decent turnout on the Sunday, with a good few cars appearing & lots of catching up between the various members. Suddenly it was suppertime & there were only two cars left, myself & John & Pauline Cavanagh, in their rather cool looking black Mantara. I had hoped for a decent crowd of people and a BBQ but maybe everyone else knew what the weather was going to be like because the heavens opened Sunday evening. Ugh! Mind you, I have now road (field?) tested my tent for Le Mans, so that’s one worry less!

The bank holiday Monday was pretty gloomy right from the start. Only half the cars showing and half the people to see them compared with the day before. It had the potential to be a fairly miserable day until Dave Chivers turned up in a lovely looking purple Mantis Coupe (one of only two in the UK, and three ever made, no less!). I had been hoping to see Dave to thank him for talking to my garage in Sale, trying to resolve my current electrical hiccups. Seconds later, the bonnet was up on my car & Dave was having a quick nose round. What a top chap! Now, Dave had been followed (about 10 yards behind!) by Richard in THE MOST GORGEOUSMantis. Aaarrrghhh! Me want! Me want! It’s the same age as mine (‘R’ reg), but only done about 10K miles & is painted the most wicked red. Tan leather with red piping of course, and deep, deep red carpets. Richard being Richard the car was bloody clean anyway, but it reallywas nice. Apparently the colour is a one off, not off another manufacturer (not that I am complaining about my VW Dragon Green). The only other colour I have ever seen that is nicer is a deep red that seems to go on for ever, called ‘Brandy Apple Candy Wine’ and is on the display car for Phantom, who do a rather groovy looking kit called the Phantom GTX. The GTX is quite curvey, though not with the extreme styling of the Mantis, and this paint sets off these curves in the most amazing way. Richard liked it too, and took some snaps which I will have to grovel for & I’ll post ’em here, though it’s unlikely they can do the colour justice.

Hmmm… writing too much. Well, Stoneleigh had some nice cars, especially the GT40s, but most of all it was good to see lots of Marcii & meet the owners. One even got sold! A car I mean 🙂

Handed the Mantis back to the garage upon my return for them to continue trying to isolate the problem with the A/C blowing stuff. Four days & a couple of broken wires later, still no joy. Also discovered a bolt on my hoodframe has been rubbing through the hood since I bought the car. No washer & too long. I now have two nice holes in the hood on the offside – think I’ll add that to the list. Heh! Heh! The weather has been nice last couple of days though and I miss my car…

Spark out of luck

OK – calm down, deep breaths…

Today has been ‘interesting’, kicking off with a visit to AutoClassica, who I thought were in Wakefield (close to work), but have moved to Knaresborough (NOT close to work). The chap at AutoClassica, Andrew, is meant to be a bit of a Concours prep guru, so I went to talk to him about my options for the Mantis & this year’s shows. Apart from buying some Swizol stuff off him (I WILL beat Phil Ward one day! Honest! I’m not too proud to cheat!), I enquired if there was anything that could be done about the stonechips on the bonnet, which have started to mount up. It was then pointed out to me that the bonnet (which had been resprayed as a condition of sale from the dealers, Optima, when I bought the car) had been done in a slightly different colour green to the rest of the car! Argh! Now I have had the car for 18 months & never noticed this, but now it has been pointed out to me… You know what I mean! Obviously(!) AutoClassica recommended a respray to do the job properly, but I most definitely can’t strech to £££ at the moment, however creative my accounting! In the meantime we agreed I would return the car to them after the Stoneleigh show for a couple of days polish/wax, & then maybe get the bonnet done sometime this winter. Oh well, at least I got the cleaning kit, which looks quite cool. Andrew did a quick demo on a patch of my bonnet & it was looking pretty nice after about 5 mins work! Shame about the rest of the car!

So, why ‘interesting’? (apart from discovering that I have a 2 tone car!) Well, what has ***ked me off so much is that, for the first time since I’ve had it, the car wouldn’t start this morning, straight out of a dry garage. Then, having established that turning on the A/C knackers all my dials (see previous diary entry), I discovered that it also disables the windscreen wipers (in driving BOOM! BOOM! rain at 80 mph on the M62…). Finally on the way back home tonight my Speedo just died for no reason. Mileometer stopped too. I now have quite an impressive list of things to be fixed when the car goes into the garage on Thursday!

I can take it though! Bring it on! Grrrrrr……


Woohoo! Finished building the shelving in the garage yesterday! Two days of slog to produce something with the structural tolerances of a Hurricane Shelter! (Now I am beginning to wish I had my own garage instead of having to borrow other peoples… Unfortunately that is £££££ round here.). If only Marcos had taken my approach to engineering I wouldn’t have things dropping off a five year old car left, right and probably center (but I haven’t spotted it yet). Then again, the Mantis would’ve had a cast iron body shell, a traction engine power plant and a 0-60 time measured in phases of the moon! Couldn’t there have been a half way point somewhere between us?!? Ah well, too late now! The benefit of this new garage (& the shelving which allows the Mantis to fit in) is no more full lock (x3) every time I have to try & get the car in or out – should save on the tyres a bit. And it’s only 500 yards from my house, which should save on my stumpy little legs a bit too!

My delight at my (somewhat limited) prowess with a hammer & saw was slighted dented when I discovered that turning on the air conditioning religiously blows a 20A fuse every time, which rather bizarrely then kills all my dash gauges with the exception of the clock & rev counter. Some prodding around the fusebox reveals the fact that the fuse layout does not bear an enormous resemblence to the one illustrated in the owners manual. Allegedly the fuse I am blowing with the A/C is the main ignition circuit. I think not… To add insult to injury I also discover a short somwehere in my front fogs circuit, which blows a 15A fuse on demand. Wow! All these ‘undocumented features’!

The postie also brought the diagnostic lead & software that I have been expecting from Racelogic, the manufacturers of my after-market traction control system. I am looking forward to plugging everything in & finally ascertaining whether the TC is working properly or not. Excellent!