Preaching to the Catalytic Converted

Dropped the car off at JP Exhausts in Macclesfield this morning to have catalytic converters (aka ‘Cats’) fitted. It was a good trip over to Macc & I spent a lot of time soaking up the exhaust note in case it changed after the cats were fitted. How sad is that! (At least I didn’t record it!… Although… I might have at some point.). It was nice to be greeted by the whole JP crew as I arrived (only because I was early – not sure I am getting the red carpet treatment) & the car was quickly ushered in & onto the ramp. I took a quick ‘Before’ picture of the Jetex 200 catalytic converter, pre polishing & fitting of cones as I’ve never seen one before (with apologies for the poor focus).


Kyle also spotted that the nearside exhaust was touching the sump guard bracket, potentially generating a rattle (which I hadn’t spotted due to all the other rattles… & the 105Db exhaust!) which he would try & sort out at the same time as the cats. Good man!

Having been told it was ‘an all day job’ I headed back over to JP a few minutes before 1700 to pick the car up. The cats were fitted & somehow or other Kyle had managed to keep them above the height of the sump guard, which he had lowered by a few millimeters with a washer to clear the exhaust. Polished up & with the cones fitted, they looked the business & should mean no more fretting about emissions at MOT time.




Another visit to JP Exhausts in Macc before work this morning, this time to allow an assessment for fitting cats (catalytic converters). The good news is that they can fit Jetex 200 sports cats, so the car is booked in for August 24th 2017.


JP Exhausts have finally finished making up the manifold & exhaust! I hared over to see the car before it was collected by Stuart from Chariots (who left Clayhill at 0330 hours to get up to Macclesfield, poor chap!). The car was sitting in the workshop and to my surprise (& slight concern) the exhaust was laid out next to it. Yikes! Had it fallen off already?  Did something not fit? Fortunately it turned out to be a second system commissioned by Chariots for Jay’s Mantis… And my friends, it was a thing of beauty!

After a good peer at the unassembled system, it was time to have a look at one in-situ. Kyle kindly raised the car on the ramp to allow me a good look at his handiwork. Apparently getting the manifold around the steering column was a real bitch & took over a day and a half by itself. Very nice, thinks I.

Definitely a big bore system in my book! It looked stunning in virgin stainless steel, & amazingly Kyle had managed to keep it higher than the bottom of the engine, which means the Mustang engine/exhaust set up was lower. Well done that man! 😎.

Look at that manifold. Automotive art that is! 😉

Unfortunately the drooling had to come to an end as I needed to start work, which consisted of jumping in the Pug parked outside JP, cranking up my laptop & dialling into the first of several teleconferences. 90 minutes later I had a break between (but also hyperthermia!) which allowed me to pop back into JP’s office to pay up. In the meantime Stuart had turned up & pinched the car to head back down south. Oh well! Hopefully I will be able to pick it up in a fortnight. In the meantime I will send Jay some pictures of his new exhaust system… it would be cruel to make him wait another five hours for the flatbed to get back!


I’m looking forward to seeing the car while it is up ‘visiting’ JP Exhausts in Macc for the manifold & exhaust system. In the meantime I am getting my Mantis fix any way I can & this has ticked the box this evening.