LM24 hour – parade invite!

Well major excitement indeed! It looks like Marcos have been invited to participate in the official city centre parade on the Friday evening in Le Mans! One of the chaps on the forum (who ironically has swapped his Marcos for an RX7!) came through with a contact who is part of the Classic British Welcome organisation, who are showing great taste & sophistication by wanting us! Not sure how many cars we are allowed to enter but I’ve mentioned it on the forum & asked people to mail me on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Obviously I am numero uno! Hurrah! More posing! In the meantime the car continues to behave itself, and the clutch that i thought was slipping a tad seems to be OK again, which is good as I am not too flush atm…

… Which doesn’t quite explain why (as a birthday treat from me to me) I have booked the Mantis in to John Noble Motorsport in Chesterfield, for a couple of hours on their rolling road. They didn’t have any Saturdays free before the end of April so that was what I went for – I am interested in exactly how much of the claimed 352BHP is actually arriving at the wheels, and also would like the peace-of-mind of knowing that the engine is doing all it should be, as every now & then I wonder if it’s not pulling as hard as it used to when I first had it. Probably psychosamatic (Hmm, bet that’s not in the spell checker!) but there we go. Either way I’m definitely not looking for more power, just checking I’ve got what I’m meant to!