Never a dull moment

Very excited this morning! Oh yes… Going down to pick the Mantis up after THREE WEEKS down at Redline. (I had given Joe a list of things as long as my arm to be fair!). The plan was to get the train down to Trowbridge via Bristol where Joe was picking me up to take me back to Redline & run through everything he’s done on the car. However, never a dull moment with anything to do with the Marcos… Before I have even got on the train I discovered that someone had lot drunk, pinched a tractor & taken out a bridge near Cheltenham so there is major service disruption. Argh! So I will be two hours late getting to Redline with poor old Jeremy & Joe losing a chunk of their Saturday afternoon. That said, Jeremy sent me the invoice last night so I know he’ll be pleased to see me! However I am chomping at the bit to get the car back & check out the changes. The added suspense will only serve to make the reunion all the sweeter…