Today get the A/C fixed ‘cos it is super-heating the air atm! Mobile maestro turns up & immediately impresses by squirting Ghostbusters Ectoplasm everywhere to identify if there is a leak! Bleurgh! Then he susses out where it is & replaces the old gaskets (apparently the green, imported ones are the only ones to use). When he tests it to check out it’s all OK he measures an air temp down to minus two!!! The second lowest he’s ever seen, after a specially converted Land Rover destined for Safari work in Africa. Coooooool car! Also went to the Classic Car Spectacular & Autojumble at Tatton Park. Lots of wicked cars but no Marcos in sight! Worse, there are LOADS of TVRs. Erk! Had a quick word with the organiser, Stuart, but got told it was too late to enter a car for the Sunday. <Mutter>. There is another one in August though, so I’ll try & sort that one out. Tonnes of people oggling the Mantis in the carpark though, which bodes well.