31 May 2009

The first of the two annual Tatton Park shows I (try to) organise. Despite being the 50th Anniversary, or perhaps because of (everyone saving their cars for the ‘big weekend’ in August perhaps?) I can only find four other owners willing to come along & exhibit their cars. It’s disappointing but at least the marque is maintaining a presence! I expect the post-50th weekend euphoria to guarantee a fight for places at the second Tatton show at the end of August! (Famous last words…). Anyway. as we had a small number of cars the Tatton show organisers tucked as away behind the big copse, which at first I was a bit miffed by as it’s less visited by the punters, but… as the temperature rose & it began to get seriously HOT the shade came in handy somewhat! It’s about time we had a sunny Tatton Park show as the last couple have been seriously soggy (& I haven’t had the Mantis at one for two years due to the various tales of woe covered in 2007 & 2008’s blog). Anyway, my Mantis scrubbed up well & it was fab to be back there with her. I think I’ve mentioned it before but I just love the idea of all those photos of my car sitting on people’s PCs or being shared around at schools or colleges etc. She’s a looker after all!

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