A chip off the old block

I’ve just got back from dragging the Old Man off to Tyntesfield for his birthday, with a visit to MHS cunningly thrown in on the return journey! The original carbon fibre stone chip guards over the rear wheel arches are almost translucent now, so it was time for some new ones. Although predictably extortionate, the MHS guards are pre-moulded & top quality pieces of kit. I know it’s possible to get adhesive carbon fibre sheets then stick it over over the existing guards, but frankly… my car’s just far too goddamn gorgeous to compromise like that, so I got the real thing! The Old Man also gave the thumbs up to the rollbar, which he hasn’t seen before. Phew! I get to stay in his will then… The classic tiny squeak, which once noticed becomes the dominant noise when driving (which is impressive considering my exhaust!) has been traced to my accessory belt (also referred to as the alternator belt or ploy-V belt). The current one has become glazed & it’s doing my nut!!